EHI-I-69 March 2021. Ability to copy and send the same Direct Sale Cart to multiple Dealers (could replace current process of emailing an excel dealer list)
EHI-I-71. March 2021 Improve the Export Feature: From the sell and active tab we need the following fields: EHI unit number, mileage, exterior color,drive train, and link to pictures. Mirror EVMS
New. Concerns have been brought up about the GM, Controller, etc being sent Direct Sale Carts when really these are just intended for the Buyer. We need to discuss adding an Alert that the Buyer would have to go in and check within profile and settings to receive Direct Sale Notifications. OR identify a buyer contact heirarchy where the Groups can assist with identifying the main buyer contact and only send the Direct Sale Cart to them. (individual counter offers would need the same logic outside of direct sale)
EHI-I-73 March 2021. Direct Sale: Enable a buyer or seller to take Individual action within a Direct Sale Cart. (For example - 5 vehicles in the cart, the dealer can hit accept on 3 vehicles to immediately secure those and then counter on the other 2)
EHI-I-64 Feb 2021 Allow seller to search by and see the spread to book on the active page** Improve the Sell- Manage Inventory filter & Sort function to mirror the functionality available on the Buy-Search page including Year Model Filter